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Located right in the center of the world's largest downtown area, Osaka Minami
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HOMEStore InformationPlay > EDION Namba Main Store

PlayEDION Namba Main Store

エディオンなんば本店 This ambitious electronics retail store offers more than just household electric appliances.
Here, you can find goods for everything from e-sports, beauty and entertainment all the way to ramen.
If you visit, you too are sure to find something that matches your style.
This store provides a venue where people and goods meet and where you can find fun activities all day long.



Store Information

Address 大阪市中央区難波3丁目2-18
Phone Number 06-6630-6733
Business Hours 10:00~21:00
(7・8F 10:00~22:00、9F 11:00~23:00 ※LO.22:30)
Closed Days
